Friday, March 31, 2017

Mike Faist

I wrote to Mike Faist in Dear Evan Hansen, and I was sent back a paper asking for a donation to BCEFA. I have heard that the stage managers at Dear Evan Hansen are really strict about sending fan mail and playbills, so this is just a warning to anyone sending fan mail to anyone in the cast. I am not even really positive that my letter was given to Mike....

Amanda Jane Cooper

I wrote to Amanda Jane Cooper while she was playing Glinda in the national tour of Wicked. I saw her during her first city on tour, and I thought she was absolutely fantastic! She really brought so much depth to Glinda and transformed so much throughout the course of the show. I also had the joy of meeting her at the stage door, and she is truly such a genuinely kind and sweet-hearted person! It took her a while to write me back, but I was honestly so happy with this amazing response. She answered my questionnaire very thoroughly and sent me a signed playbill. She also signed the photo that I sent her (the "Popular" pro shot) and also sent me another signed photo with an incredibly sweet note written on the back of it. She also posted a picture with the gift that I sent her on Instagram and Twitter!

Sent: June 6,2016
Received: February 9, 2017

Sunday, March 19, 2017

"Something Rotten!" tour

I saw the "Something Rotten!" tour while they were in St. Louis, and it was so good! I actually went to see it twice because I loved it so much! I stage doored both times, and both were fantastic experiences! The second time was after their closing show in St. Louis, and the stage door was absolutely packed, but it wasn't very crowded my first time seeing the show. I got autographs from the entire cast pretty much and took pictures with almost all of them, too. Rob and Maggie were so nice and sweet, and I also absolutely loved Autumn! Autumn told people at the stage door that she doesn't think she will ever get tired of this show because she loves the message it has of being true to yourself. I was really nervous to meet Adam Pascal, but he was super nice and friendly. It was kind of chilly out, and he told me and my sister that we needed to put on something warmer! :) It was such a great experience, and you should definitely go see the tour if you get the chance! It's such a funny, feel-good show, and the entire cast was so amazing!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Cate Elefante

I wrote to Cate Elefante,who is one of the cute little girls who play Lulu in Waitress on Broadway. It took only 10 days to get a response, and she sent me a playbill signed by her. Interestingly, the playbill is from September 2016.

Sent: February 18, 2017
Received: February 28, 2017

Address Used:
Cate Elefante
c/o "Waitress"
256 W 47th St.
New York, NY 10036

Emily Schultheis

I wrote to Emily while she was the Elphaba standby in the Wicked 2nt. She answered my questionnaire and sent me a personalized pro shot. I think this is actually the first Elphie pro shot I've ever gotten, so I'm excited about that! I think it took about 2 weeks to get a response.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Betsy Wolfe

I wrote to Betsy Wolfe while she was in Falsettos on Broadway. I wasn't really sure if I would get anything back considering that I sent it close to the end of their run, so I was super excited when I heard back from her! She answered my questionnaire really thoroughly. She also sent me a full cast-signed playbill, which was so exciting (especially considering the show had already closed by the time I received a response back from her!). She also wrote me a super sweet note! Definitely one of my favorite fan mail responses yet!

Sent: December 22, 2016
Received: January 30,2017

Address Used (No longer valid):
Betsy Wolfe
c/o "Falsettos"
Walter Kerr Theatre Stage Door
219 W. 48th Street
New York, NY 10036

Friday, March 3, 2017

Ben Platt

I wrote to Ben Platt shortly after "Dear Evan Hansen" opened on Broadway. This is my absolute favorite show, and it really means so much to me! I wasn't really expecting to get a playbill, but I was so excited when I received a personalized playbill from Ben! He is the absolute sweetest! And he was super fast to respond- it only took him like 10 days!

Sent: January 16, 2017
Received: January 26, 2017

Address Used:
Ben Platt
c/o "Dear Evan Hansen"
Music Box Theatre Stage Door
239 W 45th Street
New York, NY 10036

Thursday, March 2, 2017

"An American in Paris" tour

I saw the "An American in Paris" tour in St. Louis in January 2017. None of the performers really stopped at the stage door (even the leads just walked right past all of us), but I was able to get a few autographs. My favorite was Ryan Steele! He is one of my absolute favorite Newsies, and he was so sweet at the stage door!

"Aladdin" Stage Manager

I wrote to the "Aladdin" stage manager and requested a playbill. This response took a pretty long time, but I was so excited when I finally got it! I have never seen "Aladdin" on stage, but it has always been one of my absolute favorite movies! They sent me a full cast signed playbill! This response took about 8 months to receive.

Sent: June 4,2016
Received: February 2,2017

Address Used:
"Aladdin" Stage Manager
c/o "Aladdin"
New Amsterdam Theatre Stage Door
214 W. 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036